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November 16, 2014

International Business Times Headline Fail

The International Business Times tripped up on this headline last week:

IBT Militant glick.JPG

Yehuda Glick, the target of attempted murder, is an activist who campaigns for Jewish prayers rights on the Temple Mount, Judaism's holiest site. He has not been involved in any violence, nor does he belong to any banned or militant group which would qualify him as a "militant." The reporter, Lewis Dean, accurately identified Glick as "Temple Mount activist Yehuda Glick."

Here’s Glick explaining his vision, including equal access to the Temple Mount site for Muslims, Christians and Jews. Also, below is a clip of Glick praying for peace on the Temple Mount together with Muslim worshippers.

CAMERA has requested a correction. Stay tuned for an update.

Posted by TS at November 16, 2014 07:55 AM


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