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August 13, 2014
Somebody Better Tell Steve Kirschbaum He’s Not Speaking on Behalf of USW 8751
John Shinn, regional director for the United Steel Workers District Four, may need to admonish the leadership of one of his locals, USW 8751, (which represents school bus drivers in the city of Boston), about how they portray themselves at anti-Zionist, antisemitic (and Anti-American) rallies like those that took place in Boston during the month of July, culminating in a celebration of Al Quds Day on July 25, 2014.
Yesterday, Snapshots posted a statement from Shinn stating that two leaders from the USW Local 8751 who attended an Al Quds rally in Boston did so in their personal capacity and were not representing the local or the international to which they belong. He stated that “any members of USW Local 8751 who participated in that event were doing so solely on their own behalf and in no capacity representing our union or its international leadership.
Shinn better tell that to Steve Kirschbaum
At one of the previous anti-Israel rallies that took place in Boston during July, Kirschbaum, founder, former vice president and chair of USW 8751’s grievance committee (and negotiator for the local) introduced himself as follows: “We’re here today as labor folks, and from the Steel Workers Local 8751, Boston School Bus Union, currently fighting Veolia Corporation who bankroll the oppression and the exploitation of the Palestinian people and the Arab world.�? (Emphasis added.)
That’s how Kirschbaum introduced himself in a video interview (seen above) with Zara Magazine at an anti-Israel rally that took place on July 19, 2014.
During the video, Zara Magazine posts graphics showing the phrase “United Steel Workers of America�? under Kirschbaum’s name.
Between Kirschbaum’s introduction and the graphic that appeared under his name – on the screen during his speech – viewers would have no reason to believe that he is speaking on his own behalf.
Instead, they’d have every reason to believe he’s speaking on behalf of his local, USW 8751.
Kirschbaum’s speech, which is worth watching in its entirety, is filled with anti-American and anti-Zionist tropes. He denounces American support for Israel an expression of U.S. imperialism and falsely accuses Israel of perpetrating a “holocaust�? against Palestinians.
Invoking Malcom X, Kirschbaum says he will continue to support the Palestinian cause “by any means necessary.�? (This this is consonant with Kirschbaum’s efforts to help broadcast support for an Intifada on Al Quds day.)
And he says all these things after wrapping himself in the mantle of USW 8751.
USW 8751 Vice President Steve Gillis is no slouch when it comes to promoting anti-Israelism (and anti-Americanism). In a speech he gave at the Al Quds rally, he denounced both Israel and America as apartheid settler states and declared Texas and California “Mexican territory�? and Massachusetts as “native territory.�?
Watch the whole thing below.
Posted by dvz at August 13, 2014 01:52 PM
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