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January 28, 2014

AFP Gives New Life to Old Settlements (and Neighborhoods)

In the alternate reality in which Agence France Presse lives, Tel Aviv advocates settlement expansion, Israel approved the "new" settlements of Pisgat Zeev, Ariel, Har Homa, Efrat, Gilo, Beitar Illit and Ramat Shlomo. AFP, the French wire service, tweeted this Infographic yesterday:

afp twitter new settlements.jpg

The graphic's creator, John Saeki, AFP's graphics editor in Hong Kong, also tweeted:

AFP Saeki new settlements.jpg

Of course, Israel did not approve a single new settlement in 2013, though it did approve additional homes in well established West Bank locations like Ariel, Maale Adumim and Efrat, as well as Jerusalem neighborhoods over the Green Line, such as Ramat Shlomo, Gilo and Har Homa.

The New York Times recently corrected a virtually identical error:

inyt correction settlements nov 7 2013.jpg

Hat tip: Judge Dan

Posted by TS at January 28, 2014 07:31 AM


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