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May 21, 2008
AP, CNN.com Correct 'Jewish-Only' Roads Falsehood
Unlike the Israeli daily Ha'aretz, AP and CNN.com have corrected erroneous reports that there are "Jewish-only" roads in the West Bank.
On May 7, the AP sent out a story which incorrectly stated:
Israel at 60 is a place where creativity flourishes but where Palestinians are not allowed on West Bank roads reserved for Jews.
The article was picked up by CNN.com.
After CAMERA contacted AP, the wire service sent out an updated version of the story, in which the "reserved for Jews" falsehood was replaced with:
Israel at 60 is a place where creativity flourishes but where Palestinians are not allowed on West Bank roads reserved for Israelis.
The distinction? All Israelis -- Muslim, Christian and Jewish alike -- use the West Bank roads closed to Palestinian traffic due to security reasons.
After being notified about the AP change, CNN.com also corrected its story.
Posted by TS at May 21, 2008 03:38 AM
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