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January 02, 2018

Reuters Removes Photograph Implicating Israel in Deaths of Iranian Street Protesters

What do Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Israeli Transportation Minister Yisrael Katz have to do with the deaths of 10 Iranian protesters demonstrating against their regime? That's what Twitter users were wondering after Reuters TV used a photograph of the pair conspiratorially huddling to accompany a video about the Iranian deaths.

Reuters 10dead Iran.jpg

In response to Reuters TV's tweet, this writer mused:

tweet ReutersMossad.jpg

(TheMossadIL is a satirical account.)

Reuters later pulled the photograph and tweet, which is no longer available.

Posted by TS at January 2, 2018 03:12 AM


I'm grateful that CAMERA can suss out such distortions and motivate media outlets to correct them. But while the "record" has been corrected, the damage to Israel's reputation will likely not be fully repaired - media don't give near the prominence to a correction that they give to the initial distortion. To help reduce the number of libelous media statements, is it possible for CAMERA to identify the person(s) responsible, and request education in the case of ignorance and disciplinary action in the case of venality?

Posted by: citizenstat at January 4, 2018 07:30 PM

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