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August 25, 2016

Updated with Correction: Another Biased Headline by Reuters

Reuters has corrected the skewed headline we wrote about yesterday. See below.

Aug. 24, 2:30 PM: How does a Reuters headline describe a situation where a Palestinian stone-thrower pursued by the Israeli soldiers exits his car to stab one of the soldiers in the neck before being shot by the wounded soldier?


This sort of reporting that reverses the perpetrator and victim to whitewash Palestinian terrorism is what gives many news agencies their reputation for unprofessional, biased reporting.

CAMERA has contacted Reuters regarding the skewed headline.

UPDATE, Aug. 25

Reuters thanked CAMERA for its communication regarding the headline, apologized and corrected. Below is the corrected headline:

amended headline.jpg

Posted by RH at August 25, 2016 11:30 AM


Hey Reuters did you want to mention that the Palestinian STABBED the Israeli soldier first? No, probably not.

Posted by: Ken Kelso at August 25, 2016 09:36 AM

An informative headline would have been: "Israeli Soldier Shoots His Arab Stabber."

Posted by: Richard Shulman at August 25, 2016 04:25 PM

Pure anti-Semitic bias.

Posted by: Anonymous at August 27, 2016 08:11 AM

another dumb headline. Why not just report the truth? Oh! Your genetic antiJew brain washing is showing again! Needs a serious consideration of a lobotomy for cure!

Posted by: noel hershfield at August 28, 2016 08:46 PM

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