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November 25, 2015

San Francisco Chronicle Headline: Palestinians Attackers Are the Victim

Following the unfortunate lead of The New York Times , Haaretz, BBC and The Los Angeles Times, The San Francisco Chronicle runs a headline which falsely depicts Palestinian assailants as the victim.

SF Chronicle headline assault.jpg

"Palestinians shot in assault" is the headline yesterday for the news brief about two Palestinian terror attacks, one fatal, in which assailants were shot dead. In the fatal attack Monday, a Palestinian stabbed to death Israeli Ziv Mizrachi at a gas station on Highway 443, and wounded another soldier. Security forces subsequently killed the Palestinian attacker. Another Palestinian assailant, a teenaged girl, was shot dead after she stabbed a 70-year-old Palestinian, whom she apparently mistook for a Jew, and continued to threaten a member of the security forces.

The San Francisco Chronicle earns itself in the dubious "Bad Writing" Hall of Shame. Stay tuned for news of a correction.

Posted by TS at November 25, 2015 04:53 AM


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