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February 24, 2015

Where’s the Coverage? Half the "Journalists" Killed in Gaza Conflict Were Actually Terrorists


A recent CAMERA article, “The Associated Press Demonstrates Its Bias Against Israel,�? demonstrates how the media manipulate casualty figures from the summer’s Gaza conflict to unfairly indict Israel. On the other hand, when real information on Gaza casualties casts a negative light on Hamas, the press ignores it.

The Meir Amit Intelligence and Terrorism Information Center has done a study of the seventeen names provided by the Palestinian Journalists Syndicate purported to be journalists killed in Operation Protective Edge. The list was published by the Palestinian Authority's Wafa News Agency, which received it from the Hamas-controlled Gaza office of the ministry of information.

The Jerusalem Post reports:

“The study, not yet complete, found that eight out of the 17 names were operatives who belonged to Hamas and Islamic Jihad, or who worked in Hamas media outlets,�? the report, published Thursday, stated.


Dr. Reuven Erlich, head of the Intelligence and Terrorism Information Center, compared the operatives to Islamic State cameramen who film the beheadings of hostages.

“To call them journalists is completely absurd. The fact that there are those in the world who bought into these lies is scandalous,�? Erlich stated.

The fact that the casualty numbers are manipulated in every possible way to make Israel look like it is targeting civilians and journalists is indeed scandalous. And the fact that when the truth is exposed, the media neglect to report it, is journalistic malpractice. So, knowing that nearly half of the “journalists�? killed were instead terrorists… Where’s the coverage?

Posted by SC at February 24, 2015 02:59 PM


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