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January 07, 2015

Where's the Coverage? Majority of Israeli Arabs Proud to Be Israeli


According to the annual Democracy Index, published by the Israel Democracy Institute, a majority of Israelis are proud to be Israeli – including a majority of Israeli Arabs.

The Jerusalem Post reports:

The poll of 1,007 respondents, representing a statistical sample of the Israeli adult population, has a margin of error of only 3.2 percent.

Since 2003, the Index has served as a critical barometer of Israeli public opinion for Israeli politicians, government decision-makers, and newspapers of record around the world.

The poll found that 86% of Israeli Jews and 65% of Israeli Arabs described themselves as either very or quite proud to be Israeli. Only 13% of Jews and 34% of Arabs were not so proud or not proud at all to be Israeli.

Despite the fact that “newspapers of record around the world�? supposedly rely on this poll, most of the media has ignored it completely. Only the Israeli or Jewish press has reported on this finding.

As a basis for comparison, the most recent Pew poll on this issue showed that only 56 percent of Americans “often feel proud to be American,�? with many subgroups expressing a much lower rate than that.

So, the supposedly "apartheid" state of Israel inspires a much higher rate of pride among the supposedly oppressed minority Arab population than the United States does among Americans broadly. That’s news. And yet… where’s the coverage?

Posted by SC at January 7, 2015 02:20 PM


I would note that none of the established Israeli Arab political parties represent this 65%. I do realize many Israeli Arabs are members of Labor, and there are even a few aligned with Likud. But here is a rather significant voters block which remains unorganized and unrepresented. Is there no Israeli Arab leader willing to take the lead on this?

Posted by: MF at January 8, 2015 07:11 PM

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