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November 06, 2013
Where's the Coverage? Israeli Technology Gives Sight to the Blind

A new device created in Israel aims to help the millions – including an estimated 21 million Americans – with visual impairments.
OrCam, which clips on to eyeglasses and costs about as much as a hearing aid, is able to identify thousands of objects, including faces, text, signs, pricetags and more. The wearer points at the object and the OrCam voice system reads the information into the wearer’s ear.
Yonatan Wexler, the company’s head of R&D, recalls how his team tried the device on an 18-year-old Israeli teen, blind since age five. As reported by Israel21c:
They asked him if he wanted to read the newspaper, and he said yes, sarcastically.“He put on the device, ‘read’ the newspaper and started to cry,�? Oxford-educated Wexler recalls.
The possible uses for this groundbreaking technology are almost endless. But the company founders needed to start somewhere, and so they decided to tackle an area that could benefit humanity. “We wanted to find something with real value,�? Wexler says.
Every day, Israeli researchers develop technologies that save and change lives – in this case, bringing to fruition the words of the prophet Isaiah (35:5), “Then the eyes of the blind shall be opened.�? This is utterly remarkable. Yet… Where’s the coverage?
Watch a video about OrCam, produced by Israel21c:
Posted by SC at November 6, 2013 04:36 PM
Why does the Media not notice? Why isn't this part of every Science-oriented TV program? Israel is saving the World in so many ways while the World only seeks to destroy it. Cutting the nose off...as usual!
Posted by: LeeZee at November 9, 2013 01:43 AM
So glad to hear of this boon for the blind.
Posted by: Alana at November 10, 2013 07:03 AM
I am an ophthalmologist in Calgary Alberta Canada. This device could be of real benefit to many of my patients. I'd like to be able to try it out. How do I go about purchasing it?
Posted by: robert mitchell at November 10, 2013 12:51 PM
The device is currently for sale through the OrCam website http://www.orcam.com/
Posted by: Sarit at November 12, 2013 10:04 AM
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