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August 16, 2013

Deduction: Electronic Intifada Thinks Electronic Intifada are "Shameless Liars"

electronic intifada.jpg

The anti-Israel hate site Electronic Intifada and its founder Ali Abunimah spent much of the past two days letting their Twitter followers know that an Israeli army blog mistakenly labeled a photo of Malaysian shopping mall as being in the Gaza Strip. Between the two, on Aug. 14 and 15, over 20 tweets and retweets shared news of the error, which was subsequently corrected by the IDF Blog.

One Twitter post by Abunimah announced that the Israeli army was caught in the act of "fakery and lying." Another exclaimed that "shameless liars" were "caught red-handed."

Let's see what else we can deduce from this way of thinking:

Because the IDF Blog posted a photo from Malaysia and mistakenly described it as being in Gaza, Abunimah called the Israeli army "shameless liars" and "fakers."

He believes those who publicize inaccurate information are shameless liars and fakers.

On Electronic Intifada, Abunimah used a hoax quote, telling his readers that Israeli official Moshe Ya'alon said, "the Palestinians must be made to understand in the deepest recesses of their consciousness that they are a defeated people." Abunimah based an entire article on the quote, but CAMERA discovered that Ya'alon never said such a thing.

Abunimah thinks Electronic Intifada are shameless liars and fakers.

The IDF Blog, by the way, pulled the offending photo and published a correction at the top of the blog post. Abunimah kept the offending quote in the article, relying on an editors note at the bottom of the post to inform readers that the quote was "unverified."

And Electronic Intifada and its founder certainly didn't tweet and retweet 22 separate times about Abunimah's use of a hoax quote.

Posted by GI at August 16, 2013 11:39 AM


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