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September 20, 2012
Megachurch Pastor Bob Roberts Falls for Jew-Hater's Message of "Peace"

Bob Roberts, Jr., pastor of Northwood Church in Keller, Texas wants the whole world to know that he is offended by "The Innocence of Muslims," a movie made by a Coptic Christian in the United States by the name of Nakoula Nakoula. He offered this denunciation on his blog on Sept. 18.
Roberts, a prominent speaker at the Christ at the Checkpoint conference held in Bethlehem in March 2012, unequivocally denounces the film and reports that the trailer which he has seen is “not consistent in the least with the Koran.�? He says this after having met Muslims in the U.S. and throughout the world.
The movie he says, “was cheaply produced, and made to produced, and made to provoke and enrage people.�?
He also suggests that it's necessary to consider restraining the production of movies like "The Innocence of Muslims" despite the U.S. commitment to free speech.
Roberts acknowledges that debating ideas is absolutely critical but trying “to incite riot, war, along with civil and global unrest is wrong. There is a ‘clear and present’ danger the US courts have ruled in regard to freedom of speech – I think that has to extend globally.�?
Roberts also wants the whole world to know that some people “are trying to bridge the chasm between Muslims, Christians, and the West.�?
Some of these folks are Muslims, Roberts would have us know.
To prove his point, he provides quotes “from key Islamic leaders�? condemning the violence against American embassies and diplomats in the Middle East.
Ironically enough, one of the “key Islamic leaders�? Roberts invokes is … Yusuf al-Qaradawi, a man who has praised Hitler, supports female genital mutilation, supported the fatwa calling for the assassination of writer Salman Rushdie and to top it all off, has called for a second Holocaust against the Jewish people!
How is that for trying to “bridge the chasm between Muslims, Christians, and the West�??
When Roberts was informed via twitter about Qaradawi’s call for another Holocaust he said he “would disagree�? with it.
So there it is.
Roberts “unequivocally denounces�? a movie made by a Coptic Christian but he “would disagree�? with a statement made by an Islamist calling for the murder of the Jewish people!
How is that for moral and intellectual leadership from our clergy?
Qaradawi was not the only “key Islamic leader�? that Roberts invoked in his effort to highlight the possibility of peace. He also quoted Egyptian Sheik Mahmood al-Masri who, like Qaradawi condemned the attacks on American embassies.
Al-Masri, like Qaradawi, has said some other things as well. He’s endorsed the Protocols of the Elders of Zion and has called on Allah “to unleash earthquakes, volcanoes and Jews�? on his theological adversaries, Shiite Muslims. “Let us pray that Allah rids our nation of such apostate dwarfs�? he said.
Qaradawi and al-Masri have promoted an ideology in Egypt that has made riots like the one we saw on September 11, 2012 a virtually certainty. But when these riots actually take place, they call for calm.
And Pastor Bob Roberts falls for their shenanigans hook, line and sinker.
Posted by dvz at September 20, 2012 12:35 PM
I'm weary of this pandering to Muslim extremists, et. al... Just as I would be weary of supporting Jewish Voices for Peace because they are Jewish or Opus Dei because they Christian, or Hindus who favor Suti (a wife committing suicide when her husband dies). I'm tired of ignorance that leads to slaughtering innocents and self-righteous indignation from clergy who don't do their homework. Roberts has fallen for the soft sorrowful smile and the glittering righteous wrath that follows. If he didn't want to be loved so badly, perhaps he would learn something about those for whom he is prodded and encouraged to court because they make him feel good, regardless of the harm he causes and the hate he spawns. I'll pray that Roberts wakes up to the real world and soon.
Jill Schaeffer
Posted by: Jill Schaeffer at September 20, 2012 01:28 PM
Yes! we people should not get divided on the basis of religious sentiments and America or the west never ignored or insulted Muslims , They always want to be friendly with everyone respecting each other religious sentiments.
Posted by: Hindu Baby Names at September 17, 2015 03:43 AM
Pastor Bob Roberts is the epitome of apostasy. Avoid him like the plague!
Posted by: Pamela Forrest at March 11, 2016 11:50 AM
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