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March 06, 2012

NY Times: Salim Joubran, Palestinian


In the New York Times and International Herald Tribune, outgoing Jerusalem bureau chief Ethan Bronner writes:

Internationally, the criticism of Israel focuses on its treatment of the four million Palestinians who live in the West Bank and Gaza. They are not Israeli citizens, but their territory and lives remain under Israeli control and strictures. But there are also 1.5 million Palestinians who are Israeli citizens, about 20 percent of the country’s population, and Justice Joubran is a member of that group.

Two things:

1) The Gaza Strip territory and the population's lives do not remain under Israeli "control and strictures" anymore than they remain under Egyptian "control and strictures." Israel controls its border with Gaza and enforces a legal sea blockade while allowing the import of all goods aside from weapons over land. Egypt likewise controls its border with Gaza.

2) Until now, the New York Times has generally referred to Arab citizens of Israel as "Israeli Arabs." Why now, as Bronner is on the way out, does he refer to Israeli Arabs as Palestinians, a designation favored only by some Israeli Arabs and Israeli Jews on the far-left? Would Justice Salim Joubran consider himself a Palestinian? Would those Israeli Arabs who prefer to live in Israel over a future Palestine consider themselves Palestinian?

Posted by TS at March 6, 2012 01:37 AM


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