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September 25, 2011

Ha'aretz Headline Again Erases Violence

On Thursday we documented how a Ha'aretz headline writer transformed violent stone-throwing incidents, in which Israelis were injured, into "peaceful" protests. Friday there was more of the same, as a page two subheadline in the English edition states "No violent clashes." The subheadline is contradicted by the factually accurate accompanying article by Avi Issacharoff, which reports:

Major violent clashes between the Israel Defense Forces and the Palestinians have not yet occurred. . .

Haaretz no violent clashes sub.jpg

As Issacharoff correctly notes, no major violent incidents occurred, though violent incidents did occur, nonetheless, as detailed in our earlier analysis.

qalandiya stone throw Sept 21.jpg
Palestinian youths throw stones towards Israeli soldiers during clashes with at the Qalandia checkpoint between the West Bank city of Ramallah and Jerusalem on September 21, 2011. AFP PHOTO/AHMAD GHARABLI

Posted by TS at September 25, 2011 02:54 AM


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