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July 11, 2011

Mondoweiss Accused of Fundraising Hoax

Last week, we demonstrated how Mondoweiss promoted a blatant propaganda video allegedly demonstrating Israeli brutality. This week, Adam Holland exposed how the blog put forth a bogus anti-Israel claim to raise money for itself.

...Mondoweiss first published, then rescinded without explanation, a fundraising plea falsely claiming the blog needed help because it was "under Israeli attack". When a regular reader who had seen the original version posted a sympathetic comment asking what form the Israeli attack on Mondoweiss had taken, an editor of the blog was forced to admit that the charge had been false, but failed to explain how it came to be published.

Read about the Mondoweiss hoax and cover-up here.

Posted by RH at July 11, 2011 03:51 PM


All the crooks are coming out of the closet . As long as they are anti-Israel they can make money on it ! I bet they get lots from arab money!

Posted by: R. at July 12, 2011 09:10 PM

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