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June 15, 2011

UK Colonel Richard Kemp Again Lauds Israel's Humanity in Warfare


Colonel Richard Kemp, former Commander of British Forces in Afghanistan, who gained international recognition when he testified at the United Nations that "the Israeli Defence Forces did more to safeguard the rights of civilians in a combat zone than any other army in the history of warfare," spoke this week to a group of young professionals and soldiers in Israel.

During his June 12, 2011, appearance in Tel Aviv, Colonel Kemp expressed his deep appreciation to the Israel Defense Forces saying,

You might think that you’re simply defending your country, but in fact you are defending mine, too. You are fighting for the whole Western world, and you are at the front lines of the battle.

He emphasized once again the basic decency and humanity which characterizes the IDF, adding that,

In fact, my judgments about the steps taken in that conflict by the Israeli Defense Forces to avoid civilian deaths are inadvertently borne out by a study published by the United Nations itself, a study that shows that the ratio of civilian to combatant deaths in Gaza was by far the lowest in any asymmetric conflict in the history of warfare.

Colonel Kemp also highlighted the particular difficulties threatening Israel at this time in the face of the current attempt to delegitimize the Jewish State:

Today, Israel faces a conspiracy of delegitimization, which aims to give validity and justification to attacks on Israel by groups such as Iran’s proxies Hamas and Hezbollah, allowing them to strike at Israel with impunity, and encouraging the view that any retaliatory or defensive measures by Israel are by definition disproportionate and should be criminalized.

Citing the tools of this campaign against Israel, he adds,

The most powerful weapons in this conspiracy are legal, diplomatic and media. Fundamentally, we are talking about a war of words, words that are given unprecedented potency by the internet, by the globalization of the 21st Century.

Colonel Kemp concluded his remarks by sharing two incidents that left lasting impressions on him. The first involved a Brigadier General in the IDF who immediately responded to Kemp's request for help, and, as Kemp describes it, "it was from that meeting that the entire counter-suicide-bombing strategy used by the British army was devised." Colonel Kemp goes on,

The second incident happened a couple of years later, after the terrorist attacks in London on July the 7th, 2005. We in the UK were left deeply shaken by the attacks, and I remember that the first ones to call to offer help – for some time, in fact, they were the only ones to call – was the IDF. It was then that we knew who our real friends are.

You can read Colonel Kemp's remarks here.

Posted by at June 15, 2011 12:24 PM


G-d bless Col. Kemp - I only wish others had his integrity!

Posted by: Susan at June 15, 2011 10:20 PM

Wow it’s a mind boggling to read this and see what England is doing against Israel.
England is a lost cause for Israel they are been taken over by the Muslims.
Even most of the Jews or I should say the "self hating Jews" have turned their backs to Israel on account of we need to posh Israel to make a painful decisions that would leave us without a state.
Dear Colonel Richard Kemp, Thank you for being honest.

Posted by: Moshe at June 16, 2011 02:34 PM

Can you guys please cite the UN report Kemp alludes to, showing that Israel's civilian to combatant kill ratio of 1:1 is better than any other military the past century?

Posted by: Shira at June 20, 2011 08:52 AM

True History of Fake "palestinians"
Hamas foreign minister Hamad made a shocking statement. (Watch video clip at In his statement, Hamad undermines the fundamental "palestinian identity": "Praise be to Allah, we all have Arabic roots, every palestinian in Gaza and the West Bank can boast of ancestors from Saudi Arabia, Yemen, or from somewhere else. We are all related by blood. I tell about myself. I am half Egyptian. In Gaza, 30 clans with the surname Al-Masri (Egyptian) live. Brothers! Half palestinians are Egyptians, the other half - Saudis! Who are Palestinians? These are people whose ancestors migrated here from Cairo, Alexandria, Aswan, in Upper Egypt. We are all Egyptians! We all Muslims! We are a part of you!
Article 24 of the 1964 PLO Charter addressed to UN stipulates: "Palestinian muslims do not exercise authority over West Bank (Judea and Samaria) and Gaza territories�?
Arab leaders like Auni Bey Abdul-Hadi told the Peel Commission in 1937: "There is no such country as 'Palestine'; 'Palestine' is a term the Zionists invented!"
In 1946, Arab historian Philip Hitti testified before the Anglo-American Committee of Inquiry that "there is no such thing as Palestine in history.�?
In 1977, an executive committee member of the PLO Zahir Muhsein confirmed that there is no such thing as a separate “palestinian�? people of Arab descent. In an interview with the Dutch newspaper Trouw in March 31, 1977, he stated the following: "The palestinian people do not exist. The creation of a palestinian state is only a means for continuing our struggle against the state of Israel for our Arab unity.�?
In 1948, Bernadotte, mediator between Jews and Arabs appointed by the UN General Assembly, noted in his journal that the "Palestinian" Arabs had little desire for independence:
“The Palestinian Arabs had at present no will of their own. Neither have they ever developed any specifically Palestinian nationalism. The demand for a separate Arab state in Palestine is consequently relatively weak. It would seem as though in existing circumstances most of the Palestinian Arabs would be quite content to be incorporated in Transjordan.�?
In 1947, Arab leaders protesting the UN partition plan argued that Palestine was part of Syria and “politically, the Arabs of Palestine (were) not (an) independent separate … political entity.�?

Posted by: Mark Bernadiner at November 26, 2012 01:10 PM

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