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March 21, 2011
More Evidence of NY Times Double Standard on Civilian War Deaths
Page six.
That's where the New York Times placed a brief AP article about photos of American soldiers "posing with the corpse of an Afghan civilian they are accused of murdering."
Why does this American newspaper continue to be less concerned by alleged atrocities by American soldiers then it was by rumors of indiscriminate killings by Israeli troops?
As we noted a couple of years ago in a Jerusalem Post Op-Ed, the New York Times published on the newspaper's most prominent space — page one, above the fold — unsubstantiated (and later discredited) allegations of misbehavior by Israeli troops. This, while it repeatedly buried, or even ignored, reports of similar and worse atrocities by renegade U.S. soldiers.
Whether you call it an inexcusable double standard, or simply discrimination against the Jewish state, it reflects poorly on the newspaper's standards.
Posted by GI at March 21, 2011 12:04 PM
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