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June 07, 2010
At Reuters, One Knife Restored, Another Cropped
After CAMERA contacted a Reuters editor about the cropped photograph in which the knife in the hand of a Mavi Marmara passenger was cut out, Reuters posted the full, uncropped image (seen below) to its site Reuters Pictures, from which clients purchase images.
In the meanwhile, Charles Johnson of Little Green Footballs has uncovered a second Reuters image in which a knife and blood are cropped out.
The cropped Reuters image, released yesterday, is here:
The full original image, with the knife and the pool of blood, can be seen at the IHH Web site:
Additionally, after lightening and enlarging the original photo Johnson discovered that the portion that was cropped includes the body of second wounded Israeli soldier:
And there's more -- information from the Reuters Pictures Web site reveals that these images were IHH handouts, yet another indication that the following claim of an IHH official in the New York Times is a complete falsehood:
"Our volunteers were not trained military personnel," said Yavuv Dede, deputy director of the organization. "They were civilians trying to get aid to Gaza. There were artists, intellectuals and journalists among them. Such an offensive cannot be explained by any terms."
Posted by TS at June 7, 2010 02:44 AM
Boy, if there's anything that would make me feel safe it's knowing that "artists, intellectuals and journalists" were on their way to help! What were they going to do, put another crucifix in urine? Have no common sense? Write lies about the incident? Get their photogs to crop pictures? Big media is the true enemy of the people and of peace. They're always trying to cause problems between people by deflecting away from what one of the politicians on "their side" is doing.
Thank heavens Sean Penn was busy in Haiti. He'd be standing there with five dollars worth of dixie cups and some terrorist would be armed with guns stolen out of his trunk.
Posted by: Paulita at June 7, 2010 09:15 AM
There seems to be no blood on that knife. I dont care what the circumstances. If someone with an uzi was threatening me and i had a knife available, i'd be sure to keep it handy.
Posted by: Anonymous at June 11, 2010 10:29 PM
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