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February 16, 2010
Palestinian TV Preaches Hatred of Jews
While the major news media generally portray Palestinian Authority leadership as moderate (sharply contrasting it with that of Hamas), the PA continues to provide for the indoctrination of Palestinian Arabs – through its schools, mosques and media – to hate Jews and to deny the legitimacy of Israel.
The Middle East Media Research Institute (MEMRI) provides a video clip and translation of the Friday, January 29, 2010 sermon delivered from the pulpit of Nablus’s Bourin Mosque and aired on PA official television which is under the control of Mahmoud Abbas, chairman of the American-backed Palestinian Authority:
The Jews are the enemies of Allah and His messenger (Muhammad) and the enemies of humanity in general, and of the Palestinians in particular.... Jews will always be Jews. Even if donkeys cease to bray, dogs cease to bark, wolves cease to howl, and snakes cease to bite, the Jews will not cease to be hostile to the Muslims. The Prophet Muhammad said: `Whenever two Jews find themselves alone with a Muslim, they think of killing him.' Oh Muslims, this land, these holy places, and these mosques will only be liberated when we return to the Book of Allah, and when all Muslims are prepared to become mujahideen for the sake of Allah, in support of Palestine, its people, its land, and its holy places. The Prophet Muhammad said: ‘You will fight the Jews, and you will kill them …’
Major news media – including the New York Times and Washington Post which heavily cover Palestinian-Israeli matters – published nothing about the sermon, the content of which clearly violated existing Israeli-PA agreements on ending incitement.
Posted by MK at February 16, 2010 03:43 PM
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