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January 19, 2009

News Station Used to Launch A Grad Rocket, Palestinian Journalist Laughs

Below is footage of a Palestinian journalist from Gaza laughing at reports that the television station for which she works has been used as a launching pad for a "grad" rocket against Israel.

As Hunter S. Thompson was fond of saying, "The Thing Explains Itself."

Posted by dvz at January 19, 2009 03:05 PM


"Wanton boys throws stones at frogs in jest...", but when the frogs finally have had enough and drop a JDAM through the roof of their newsroom, the boys die in earnest. Or the girls, as the case may be.

Posted by: Hanoi Paris Hilton at January 19, 2009 08:57 PM

She may just be laughing at how ridiculous the chaos of war is--or laughing away the fear that her building might be struck from Israeli jets with her in it...

but it does look suspiciously like she's getting gleeful about the violence (against Israeli towns)

Posted by: Adam at January 19, 2009 10:58 PM

(((0:12 - Bad translation))) - "It was launched from here! No somewhere NEAR OUR building"

(ta'riban) in Arabic means (near or about)! Of course she talks from higher floor so she used the word (under)

She was standing pretty much close to the window so hmmm i think she would see any missile because she was talking about 4 windows in that studio. She only heard the missile and didnt see it...

It could be launched near the building but far enough to be effected by IDF bombs! And no one can prove that the missile went from the building itself...

Posted by: Lenons at January 24, 2009 10:40 PM

The laughter needs no translation, dhimmi.

Posted by: A reader at January 26, 2009 12:39 PM

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