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January 07, 2009
IHT Headline Goes With Hamas
The front-page, top of the fold headline in the International Herald Tribune today is:
40 killed in Gaza sanctuary.
Likewise, the headline on the page 4 jump reads:
Israeli mortars kill 40 Palestinians in Gaza sanctuary.
But, as Taghreed El-Khodary and Isabel Kershner correctly report in the accompanying article:
The punishing Israeli offensive against Hamas in Gaza took an even deadlier turn on Tuesday, when Israeli mortar shells killed up to 40 Palestinians near a United Nations school. . . .
United Nations officials put the initial death toll at 30 and 55 people had been wounded, with several in critical condition. Palestinian health officials said 40 had been killed. (Emphasis added.)
The Palestinian Health Ministry in Gaza is controlled by Hamas. Why accept Hamas statistics as fact while disregarding the numbers from the United Nations? Does the IHT headline writer have information that the UN, El-Khodary and Kershner do not?
Posted by TS at January 7, 2009 04:18 AM
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