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November 20, 2008

Gaza Electricity Official: 'No Reason For a Crisis'

The Palestinian Authority agrees with Israel's Matan Vilnai -- the Gaza blackouts are staged. Even an official at the Gaza electricity company concurs. The Jerusalem Post reports that the official, who asked not to be identified, told the Fatah controlled Pal-Press Web site:

"Hamas has seized more than 220,000 liters of fuel that was intended for generators belonging to our company," he revealed. "There's no shortage of fuel and as such there is no reason for a crisis."

The official also disclosed that Hamas militiamen had been forcing the company to cut off power supplies to some areas in the Gaza Strip so as to create the impression that the outage was due to a lack of fuel caused by the ongoing closure of the border crossings.

Posted by TS at November 20, 2008 02:21 PM


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