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March 05, 2006

UN Adviser Misrepresents UN Resolution

Hans Küng, a U.N. adviser and president of the Global Ethic Foundation, needs to brush up his knowledge of U.N. resolutions before making further recommendations

You know the U.N. is in trouble when one of its advisors puts forward suggestions on "How to prevent a clash of civilizations" based on misrepresentations of U.N. resolutions. Hans Küng, a Catholic theologian and president of the Global Ethic Foundation, did just that in an Op-Ed today in the International Herald Tribune. He wrote:

The Palestinians can likewise demand that first Israel must withdraw from all occupied territories in accordance with UN resolution 242. . . .

But, as has already been corrected in numerous media outlets, U.N. Resolution 242 does not demand that "Israel must withdraw from all occupied territories," but rather from an unspecified amount of territory. (For more on the resolution's wording, and its territorial implications, see, for example, here.)

Moreover, the New York Times, which publishes the International Herald Tribune, three times in 2000 corrected the same or related errors on U.N. Resolution 242. The Sept. 8 correction, for example, read:

An article on Wednesday about the Middle East peace talks referred incorrectly to United Nations resolutions on the Arab-Israeli conflict. While Security Council Resolution 242, passed after the 1967 Middle East War, calls for Israel’s armed forces to withdraw "from territories occupied in the recent conflict," no resolution calls for Israeli withdrawal from all territory, including East Jerusalem, occupied in the war.

CAMERA has contacted IHT editors about this error. Stay tuned for news about a correction.

Posted by TS at March 5, 2006 03:14 AM


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