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December 08, 2005
Erekat Caught Again Telling a Fib

Several days ago, we noted that the BBC had incorrectly reported that Palestinians "took back control of the Rafah border crossing." After CAMERA contacted editors, the caption was corrected within a day.
Ray Suarez, of PBS' "The NewsHour with Jim Lehrer," has made the same error. He begins his Nov. 27 report:
For the first time in nearly four decades, Palestinians took control of the border crossing between the Gaza Strip and Egypt, this one at the Rafah checkpoint.
As has been previously explained, never before in history have Palestinians controlled the Gaza-Egypt border. Forty years ago, it was the Egyptians--not the Palestinians--in control.
Even Saeb Erekat, who is interviewed by Suarez despite the fact that he perpetually fabricates, acknowledges in the broadcast:
Number one is that for the first time in our history we have a control over who comes and who goes through an international border.
Erekat reverts to form, though, when he repeats the discredited claim that the Gaza Strip is "the most populated place on earth."
Posted by TS at December 8, 2005 05:55 AM
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