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May 01, 2005
Soraya Nelson's Blinders
An article on CAMERA's Web site points out major flaws in a story by Philly Inquirer's Soraya Sarhaddi Nelson.

Compare some of Nelson's problematic comments to more accurate and balanced reporting in a recent story by AP's Steve Weizman...
Abbas has an assertive side. His hard-won cease-fire, which key Palestinian extremist factions agreed to on paper for the first time, is holding, even though Israeli soldiers have killed a number of Palestinians ...
Palestinian militants have been firing mortar and rocket barrages at Gaza settlements in recent weeks in an effort to make it appear that they are pushing Israel out of the volatile coastal strip. Israel plans to pull out of Gaza this summer.
On April 19, Abbas told Israeli media during a rare meeting that his government had collected weapons from all wanted men in Jericho and Tulkarm and would do so in every other city Israel returns to Palestinian control, state-run Israel Radio reported.
(Nowhere in the story does Nelson give Israel's perspective on the supposed collection of weapons.)
Israel pledged to turn over five West Bank towns to Palestinian security control as part of a Feb. 8 cease-fire agreement, but only Tulkarem and Jericho have actually been transferred. Israeli Defense Minister Shaul Mofaz said last week he was putting further handovers on hold until the Palestinian Authority fulfilled a pledge to disarm militants in the two towns they already control.
Posted by GI at May 1, 2005 06:25 PM