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May 17, 2005

More on Boycott of Academics: AUT Threatened with Lawsuit

Haifa University has threatened to sue AUT for defamation because of its boycott resolution.

...Our client has been defamed by a resolution passed at your annual Council Meeting. This resolution now appears on your website. The defamation is therefore a continuing one...

...The resolution received the most perfunctory debate, it was held at a time that made it impossible for most Jews to attend, requests for the rescheduling of the debate were refused, and no delegates were allowed to speak against the resolution...

...The AUT has, both by the assistance it gave to the resolution’s sponsors and by its publication of the resolution on its website, defamed the University of Haifa. Our client is entitled to seek damages, a retraction, and an undertaking against further publication of the defamations. It reserves its position in this regard...

The letter exposes the bogus nature of AUT's accusations against Haifa University and sets out the facts.

Read the whole thing.

Posted by RH at May 17, 2005 04:09 PM