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May 15, 2005
LA Times: Israeli Arabs Don't--No, Do--No, Don't Serve
Israeli Arabs can serve in the army, the Los Angeles Times noted in a Feb. 1, 2004 correction on an Op-Ed by George Bisharat, a professor at the University of California’s Hastings College of Law. The correction accurately stated:
Israeli Arabs — A Jan. 25 Opinion article by George Bisharat, “Right of Return�? stated that Israeli citizens who are Palestinians cannot serve in the Israeli armed forces. In fact, although they cannot be drafted and most choose not to serve, Israeli Palestinians can enlist in the service.
The Times Op-Ed editors must be suffering from short-term memory loss, though, because Aaron David Miller wrote this in the paper last Wednesday:
Without access to military or national service and constantly under suspicion as a potential fifth column, the status of Israeli Arabs is indeed nation-dividing. (Emphasis added.)
CAMERA awaits word as to whether the paper will set the record straight. Again.
Posted by TS at May 15, 2005 06:16 AM