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August 02, 2005

Rocket Strategy

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The Los Angeles Times, to its credit, yesterday reported on ongoing Palestinian mortar attacks. An editorial, entitled "Exodus Strategy," noted:

Israel has valid concerns about its security, demonstrated again in recent days by Gaza-based mortar attacks (by the militant Palestinian group Hamas) on Israelis inside and outside Gaza.

(Of course, the caveat to the praise for this momentary flash of recognition of Palestinian violence is that groups who launch mortars on civilians in Israel or in Gaza should not be considered "militants," but are terrorists.)

The editorial writer has a very bizarre sense of exactly what will diminish these attacks:

Such attacks could be diminished if Egypt helps patrol the southern Gaza border after the withdrawal, and Israel builds a rail line or highway with restricted access and side barriers to link Gaza more safely with the far larger West Bank.

Umm, how would these steps help? Mortars are fashioned inside the Gaza Strip; what would patrols along the border accomplish vis-a-vis mortars? Also, how will a West Bank-Gaza link help diminish mortar attacks? Will the Palestinian terrorists put down their mortars to go on a West Bank outing?

Posted by TS at August 2, 2005 07:55 AM


Or would the terrorists bring their mortars with them on their West Bank jaunt and try a new launching pad?

Posted by: Hannah at August 2, 2005 10:07 AM

I could see that border patrols could stop the import of raw materials, but the analysis that a rail link would diminish the attacks certainly has me scratching my head.


Posted by: Stan at August 2, 2005 04:05 PM

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